Python Extension Windows Binaries

Python Extension Windows Binaries

Uploading Windows Binaries to PyPi

The work I did as a result of these experiments may be found here.

As the maintainer of the Couchbase Python Client, part of the release cycle is making Windows binaries available on PyPi.

Aside from actually building these binaries on Windows (we use MSVC and Jenkins), they actually need to be uploaded to PyPi.

The way our binaries were built is as follows:

  • We have a Jenkins job configured to poll for an SCM change
  • When an SCM change happens, the Jenkins builder downloads the change and builds it.
  • Once built, they are uploaded to an S3 snapshot bucket.

This process worked fairly well until I had to upload 10+ binaries to PyPi.

As any good developer would do, I refused to do this by hand – there had to be a better way to automate this. However, I could not find any solutions for this, and the single post I found a google which actually dealt with it was rather depressing

The common way to upload things to PyPi is by using the sdist upload command or similar. In this case, it will “magically” make a source distribution and upload it for you. Though this is kind of messed up too — apparently you need to also pass a register command if you don’t want to hard-code your PyPi password on your hard drive.

Unfortunately, upload only seems to work for the sdist (or bdist) it just generated. The task that I had in mind – manually downloading (or selecting the snapshot URLs) for the Windows builds to my Linux box, and uploading it from there – was not available.

The Solution

I decided to poke into how distutils or setuptools upload stuff to PyPi. They seem to fill in a monstrous form which looks something like this:

meta = self.distribution.metadata
data = {
    # action
    ':action': 'file_upload',
    'protcol_version': '1',

    # identify release
    'name': meta.get_name(),
    'version': meta.get_version(),

    # file content
    'content': (os.path.basename(filename),content),
    'filetype': command,
    'pyversion': pyversion,
    'md5_digest': md5(content).hexdigest(),

    # additional meta-data
    'metadata_version' : '1.0',
    'summary': meta.get_description(),
    'home_page': meta.get_url(),
    'author': meta.get_contact(),
    'author_email': meta.get_contact_email(),
    'license': meta.get_licence(),
    'description': meta.get_long_description(),
    'keywords': meta.get_keywords(),
    'platform': meta.get_platforms(),
    'classifiers': meta.get_classifiers(),
    'download_url': meta.get_download_url(),
    # PEP 314
    'provides': meta.get_provides(),
    'requires': meta.get_requires(),
    'obsoletes': meta.get_obsoletes(),
comment = ''
if command == 'bdist_rpm':
    dist, version, id = platform.dist()
    if dist:
        comment = 'built for %s %s' % (dist, version)
elif command == 'bdist_dumb':
    comment = 'built for %s' % platform.platform(terse=1)
data['comment'] = comment

if self.sign:
    data['gpg_signature'] = (os.path.basename(filename) + ".asc",

# set up the authentication
auth = "Basic " + standard_b64encode(self.username + ":" +

# Build up the MIME payload for the POST data
boundary = '--------------GHSKFJDLGDS7543FJKLFHRE75642756743254'
sep_boundary = '\n--' + boundary
end_boundary = sep_boundary + '--'
body = StringIO.StringIO()
for key, value in data.items():
    # handle multiple entries for the same name
    if not isinstance(value, list):
        value = [value]
    for value in value:
        if isinstance(value, tuple):
            fn = ';filename="%s"' % value[0]
            value = value[1]
            fn = ""

        body.write('\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"'%key)
        if value and value[-1] == '\r':
            body.write('\n')  # write an extra newline (lurve Macs)
body = body.getvalue()

self.announce("Submitting %s to %s" % (filename, self.repository), log.INFO)

# build the Request
headers = {'Content-type':
                'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary,
           'Content-length': str(len(body)),
           'Authorization': auth}

Rather than trying to invent that monstrosity, I simply decided to use it myself.

To do this, I needed to get a properly formed upload object. The inheritance diagram looks something like:

Command (distutils/
    PyPIRCCommand (distutils/
        upload (distutils/command/

In order to get a Command, we need to pass it a Distribution object. This Distribution object (defined in distutils/ is initialized simply with a dictionary of attributes. The most common way this object is actually initialized is by using the normal setup function from distutils.core.

The setup function takes some **kwargs; does some various initialization and then instantiates the Distribution class (or a subclass thereof) with the appropriate attributes.

To make my own Distribution object, I simply did this

d = {}
for k in config.options('dist'):
    d[k] = config.get('dist', k)

d['version'] = dist.cbrel.relvers

print "Release:", dist.cbrel.relvers

if d['classifiers']:
    d['classifiers'] = [x for x in d['classifiers'].split('\n') if x]

c = upload(Distribution(d))

Where config is a simple RawConfigParser instance which reads a configuration file containing metadata about the distribution.

The dist and cbrel objects are some other magic which I had to implement in order to make this process smooth

Tagging and Versioning

One day I hope to get our versions generated automatically with git tag. However, even in that case, our jenkins builders generate filenames that would append the version string (in with the output from git describe --tags --long. This allows more information to be visible when looking at the filename (for example whether it’s a snapshot or not and how many commits have passed since the last release).

However in order to upload a proper release to PyPi, the filename has to be strictly in the form of {packagename}-{x.y.z-whatever}.{arch}.py{X.Y}.exe where packagename is the package name, x.y.z-whatever is the version string for the package, arch is the architecture (in this case, one of win32 or win-amd64, and finally X.Y is the Python major and minor version for the Python ABI with which this release is compatible with.

I quickly came to realize that I couldn’t easily “convert” the extended package version name into the well-formed one; for example; with the tag ‘1.0.0-beta’; we were getting files that looked like ‘1.0.0-beta-0-gebe-1.0.0-beta…’ (or something similar).

I initially tried using + symbols to delimit the git tag info, so the filename would now be 1.0.0-beta+0-gebe-1.0.0-beta+.win32... – but apparently S3 doesn’t like + symbols in its URLs.

Rather than trying to perform all sorts of parsing and heuristics on the filename i decided that the builders should generate simple meta file about each build and upload it as $ where $distfile would be something like couchbase-1.0.0-beta-0-gebe.win32.py3.2.exe. The meta file would contain information about the original filename (as generated by; the actual git tag, and some other information.

Once this was all done, our scripts could now fetch detailed information for any distribution it was passed.

The process typically went as follows:

  • Look at the S3 index, and examine all the distribution files (perhaps applying a filter)
  • Iterate through those which match the criteria. At this point, the distribution files are still named with their git describe output.
  • Fetch the distribution file itself (there is also a local cache so files don’t need to be downloaded twice)
  • Fetch the distribution meta file – which is simply the name of the distribution file with a .info suffix appended to it
  • Parse the meta information; determine the version/release variables

At this point, we now have a local cache of distribution binaries that are ready to be uploaded to PyPi. However the distribution files are still named in their git describe form. In order to be submitted to PyPi, they need to be renamed back to their original form. To do this, I read the meta information and generate a symlink named after the original form which points to the downloaded file.

Finally we’re ready to upload:

c.repository = config.get('pypi', 'repository')
c.username = config.get('pypi', 'username')
c.password = config.get('pypi', 'password')

if dist.already_uploaded(c.repository):
    print "Already uploaded.."

c.upload_file('bdist_wininst', dist.cbrel.pyvers, dist.symlink)

We configure the variables for the repository information (Password is received via prompt earlier). We make a HEAD request to PyPi to see if the file exists already (if it does, PyPi will refuse to replace it anyway, but the data would have still been sent via POST).

Once we’ve checked that, we simply pass it the distribution type (i.e. as would normally be passed as a command to, the Python version, and the symlink we generated).

Now, profit
